Hands-on Cloud Training - CALENDAR

Hello there!

Do you know about knowledgeindia initiative? We have been creating hands-on videos for learners and helping them learn Cloud for past many years. It is highly recommended that you spend few minutes and take a look at our YouTube videos here.

In addition to the free videos on YouTube, we have certain paid training programs as well which are very much liked by the learners. Following sections explain:

  • What do learners say about our training programs! 
  • How to get automatically notified about the upcoming training programs?
  • Calendar for the upcoming programs

What do learners say about our training programs!

You can read more recommendations from LinkedIn by clicking here & here

How to get automatically notified? 

You should be able to get a notification right, instead of you following up to find the dates. It is easy. Please do the following: 
  • Join this Google Group and you will get an email as we announce about our next program (this is a must)
  • Additionally, you can join our LinkedIn group as it is a no-spam information sharing place (optional) 
  • If you want to send us a direct message, connect with us on LinkedIn (optional)    
  • Subscribe to our YouTube Channel (if you have not done yet)

Calendar for the upcoming programs 

Relevant links get updated below on the date of registration

Program Name Start Date Length Click & Register
AWS CloudFormation Bootcamp (weekend) 07-Jan-2023 08 hours 23-Dec-2022

Selected videos!